Addressing Congress at 27

Full Testimony >
90% Casualty Rate

Wake Up, America

Kerry on the War

Extra Credit Day

Iraq Terror

Fear Itself

"Fear does work. You can make people do anything if they're afraid. You make them afraid by creating an aura of endless threat."
"They played us like an organ...They gave these mixed messages that were crazy making."
Always Trust Our President

Bush Commission

Rice 9/11 Commission Testimony

[Honestly, this is just horrible - Ed.]
Going Upriver![]()
Fahrenheit 9/11![]()

Dead or Alive

Bush on Osama Bin Laden (complete statement):
"I repeat what I said, I truly am not that concerned about him."

Will They Ever Trust Us Again?

Bush, the Flip-Flopper

"We found the weapons of mass destruction."
"I don't think we'll discover anything myself."
"I believe that we will find the truth."

Tim Ryan: "Excuse Me"

The RNC: A Platform of Fear

9/11: The Pet Goat

John Stewart Crossfire Smackdown

Daily Show Crossfire Followup

Knife Party: What Barry Says

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Get Informed
- Rolling Stone: John Kerry Interview
- NYTimes: Without a Doubt
George W. Bush profile - PIPA: Bush Supporters Still Believe Iraq Had WMD or Major Program, Supported al Qaeda
- Independent/UK: Bush by Numbers
- Economist: The dismal science bites back, George Bush comes out worst in our poll of academic economists
- C-SPAN: Presidential Debates
Or see Cam's algorithmic analysis
Friendly Fire
- Errol Morris: Election '04
Switchers - Republican Switchers
See why they're switching - Talking Points Memo
Learn from history - The Washington Monthly: Poltical Animal
Or be doomed to repeat it - Defense and the National Interests
Can we afford 4 more years?
Check out BitFlood for BitTorrents of all the clips. (Including a package with all the clips)
- All Video Clips
One convenient package - Going Upriver Clips
- Fahrenheit 9/11 Clips
- Uncovered Clips
- Odds & Ends Clips